Mental Wellness: Anxiety - what is it?
Let me begin by telling you a little bit about me. I am an outgoing person; I am sociable; I love people and, when I'm well, I get energy from being around them (this makes me an extrovert). I am a happy person; op timistic and a believer in people being fundamentally good. I am trusting of others. I also have an anxiety disorder. This series Inspired by an excellent photography exhibition on anxiety and mental illness by Danielle Langham, over the next few posts, I would like to talk to you about anxiety. This post will discuss the main features of anxiety in terms of Psychology , Neurobiology , and Symptomatology (I could have just said ' symptoms ' then, but I was enjoying the flow too much - I do love lexicology 😉). In upcoming posts , I will discuss my own experience of anxiety, secondary to Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), and finally, I will give you tips on how to cope with, and reduce, your anxiety . This will...